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  CMIYC 2012 has ended! Team Hashcat is the winner!  
Below are the final scores: each team's grand total, weighted (points), unweighted (raw crack count), bonus points (if any) for having the most cracks of a given hash type, and challenge crack points. last successful submission.

Grand Total Password Crack Points Raw Total Hash Type Bonus Challenge
PGP Key ID Team Eligible
3,265,766 1,465,766 35,530 600,000 1,200,000 EB5E868387147480 Hashcat Yes
3,106,777 1,556,777 27,593 350,000 1,200,000 4F162A2CBFB13D23 john-users Yes
2,112,490 912,490 29,104 0 1,200,000 35AED50296BD18EB InsidePro Team 2012 Yes
1,592,624 392,624 17,630 0 1,200,000 D77E116371E73D10 bindshell-dot-nl Yes
1,345,052 145,052 10,970 0 1,200,000 C3979E980261E6BA Blow Cane Yes
1,260,025 60,025 4,652 0 1,200,000 1FF91923617C6E39 Anachronistic Yes
1,112,456 112,456 10,133 0 1,000,000 CCDF04C80A00F55B 16Systems Yes
736,995 136,995 6,991 0 600,000 768F60C61B31765B iCantBelieveItsNotButter Yes
224,526 24,526 6,586 0 200,000 22A90F768E05D2FA Sexy_Flaming_Pegasus No
124,944 124,944 5,306 0 0 524110CD93991B41 athena Yes
112,450 112,450 9,252 0 0 193EFE4DC489ACF1 stillnotappearingatdefcon Yes
9,578 9,578 793 0 0 20ED90FEED3BE110 the_freshman No

Eligible means that a team has completed the Code: validation to prove that they have someone physically attending DEFCON and are eligible to win the prize, and they are not also part of a larger team.

The table below shows the team with the most cracks of each hash type. There is a bonus of 50,000 points for the winner of each hash type, declared at the end of the contest. That bonus is reflected in the table above.
hashname pointvaluetotal hashescracksteam
bf 5000 5,150 76 john-users
sunmd5 3000 10,285 112 john-users
sha512crypt 2000 8,615 178 john-users
mscash2 600 1,727 127 john-users
md5 (FreeBSD MD5 crypt) 500 6,777 855 Hashcat
dynamic_28 (Apache MD5) 500 6,909 604 Hashcat
dynamic_21 (HTTP Digest Auth) 12 3,456 379 john-users
des 9 10,297 5,952 Hashcat
salted-sha1 8 8,641 1,907 Hashcat
phps 8 5,125 1,126 john-users
oracle11 7 5,148 1,079 Hashcat
mscash 7 3,446 853 Hashcat
nt (ntlm) 2 15,317 8,412 Hashcat
raw-md5u 2 1,736 639 john-users
raw-sha1 1 8,544 4,111 Hashcat
nsldap 1 6,912 3,382 Hashcat
mysql-sha1 1 5,063 2,437 Hashcat
raw-md4 1 3,454 1,827 Hashcat
raw-md5 1 3,413 1,811 Hashcat

The table below shows the time that each encrypted challenge file was first cracked, and the first eligible team to crack it (limit of six per team). These results are going to be manually verified; unlike the above, they are not final. There is a side-prize of a $65 donation to EFF or Child's play for being the first to crack challenge file.
Encrypted Challenge FilePlaintextFirst Team to CrackCrack Time (PDT)
zip-medium.zip Credit11 bindshell-dot-nl 2012-07-27 00:22:42
zip-easy.zip passwort bindshell-dot-nl 2012-07-27 00:33:43
sam-medium.zip bananas john-users 2012-07-27 00:50:35
ssh-easy.zip Olympics john-users 2012-07-27 00:50:35
truecrypt-easy.tc 123456 16Systems 2012-07-27 00:59:53
truecrypt-medium.tc Password1 16Systems 2012-07-27 01:15:22
odt-easy.odt jumper9 Hashcat 2012-07-27 01:21:52
odt-medium.odt RickRoll Hashcat 2012-07-27 01:21:52
rar-easy.rar wachtwoord Hashcat 2012-07-27 01:21:52
truecrypt-hard.tc qwe123QWE Hashcat 2012-07-27 01:21:52
encfs_easy.tgz Jupiter john-users 2012-07-27 04:31:00
sxc-spreadsheet-easy.sxc excel123 john-users 2012-07-27 07:09:37
7z-easy.7z senha john-users 2012-07-27 08:51:41
odt-hard.odt WhoCanItBeNow john-users 2012-07-27 08:57:57
dmg-easy.dmg 654321 bindshell-dot-nl 2012-07-27 21:13:15
pdf-easy.pdf July2099 Anachronistic 2012-07-28 15:45:25
pgp-easy.tgz.pgp glucose Blow Cane 2012-07-28 16:45:22
7z-medium.7z !#@!%)`?    
7z-hard.7z RockTheCasbah    
dmg-medium.dmg HIppo123    
dmg-hard.dmg easytodolater    
encfs_med.tgz Valient Gough    
encfs_hard.tgz Alo3San1t@nats    
gnupg-easy.zip polished    
gnupg-medium.zip blingbling    
gnupg-hard.zip njokuani.    
pdf-medium.pdf 38r285a9    
pdf-hard.pdf WHATwhatWHERE?    
pgp-medium.tgz.pgp syzygy    
pgp-hard.tgz.pgp Andromeda    
rar-medium.rar Sleepingbaby210    
rar-hard.rar P-i-r-A-T-E    
ssh-med.zip extuitive    
ssh-hard.zip C0Ld.FUS10N    
sxc-spreadsheet-medium.sxc M1racl33    
sxc-spreadsheet-hard.sxc Ghe+t0Blaster    
zip-hard.zip 7J0rdan!!    


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